Thursday, January 23, 2014

Valkyrie Crusade

This is a new blog writer for the site. People from the VC Division call me Yamada so I’m going to go with that as my handle name here.

Since I mentioned VC, I’m going to talk about it. Valkyrie Crusade is a mobile card game app created by nubee Tokyo. The gameplay is pretty simple. At your kingdom, you build your resource buildings, upgrade them and build some more. It’s like Farmville in that regard. That’s just one part of Valkyrie Crusade’s gameplay. The main part is in the card battles and collections. When I say card battles, most of you will think about Yu-gi-oh, Cardfight Vanguard, etc., but that’s not the case here. The card battles here are like those found in turn based RPGs, only that the skills are activated by chance. You get the cards by either summoning them, as a random drop while exploring the chronicle maps and rewards from Archwitches. Archwitches are like the boss types in this game. They are encountered randomly while going through the chronicle maps. The first encounter of an Archwitch is at level 1 and the maximum level is 200, though in some events the Archwitch level reaches up to 250. The higher the level of the Archwitch, the harder it is to kill, but the chance to get powerful cards increases. Don’t worry if you can’t kill an Archwitch because you can request Reinforcements after the battle to get your comrades to kill your Archwitch for you.

There are over 700 unique cards in the VC world. These cards are categorized by rarity. These are the Normal (N/HN) cards, Rare (R/HR) cards, Super Rare (SR/HSR) and the newly released Ultra Rare (UR/HUR) cards. HUR cards are the most powerful type of cards while the N cards are the weakest and most common type of cards. Currently, URs are only obtainable via summon. The other categories are obtainable by summon, archwitch subdue reward and sometimes as rewards. Cards can be combined to increase their power. For example:

This is card is Snow White. She is by far the best attack card in the game obtainable through archwitch subdue reward. She is a 1* SR Card. You can upgrade her by using another copy and “evolving” her to her HSR form:

This is her HSR form, with new art, higher attack and defense stat and higher HP.
                Another aspect of VC is the affection points. A card with maximum affection points has increased ATK/DEF stats. How to know when they are at maximum affection? Simple, the cards confess to you, like this:

One of the rarest cards in game (and one of the coolest looking too) Hecate. This is her maximum affection event. All cards even N cards have them. Every card has a unique confession event when they reach maximum affection. You can raise the affection level by sending your card waifu into battle.

 VC is free to play and downloadable in the Apple pp store and Google play.
As a final gift, I give you my favorite card in the game HSR Spade. 

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